
Tuesday 11 July 2017

Day 6# Activty 2 )

Activity 2: After visiting Shag Point, you hop back in the van and drive all the way up the east coast of the south island until you reach the town of Picton. You get out of the van and onto the Interislander ferry. It travels back across the Cook Strait to Wellington. Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand and every winter the city hosts a huge Matariki festival to celebrate the Maori New Year. This year part of the festival is being held at Te Papa, a big museum in Wellington.
Read about the Matariki Festival at Te Papa.  There are so many different things to see and do at the festival this year. On your blog, tell us about three of the events. You can choose any three events that you wish.

Matariki Dawn

Each winter, we celebrate the arrival of Matariki in the mid-winter night sky. It marks the passing of the old year (according to the Māori lunar calendar) and the beginning of the new year. 

Rituals and celebrations take place at this time to farewell loved ones, to acknowledge our relationships with each other and with the natural world.

Matariki is a time to have fun, share stories, and to enjoy Kai.

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